Next up… Uterine Lining Check… Officially Medically Cleared 🎉🎉🎉

Well, back in Carlsbad awaiting time for the US to check the thickness of my endometrial lining… the magic number is 7mm… Went in for the ultrasound on July 7, 2019. It didn’t exactly go as we wanted. Didn’t really hit that magic number. Missed it by 1.6 mm . No worries though, it’s all in the perfect timing. No worries at all, we are gonna try this one more time .

This time Dr. Slater added some Estrace for a lil boost. I also added some herbs and supplements I researched in my midwifery studies that can help out. I took a tea blend of red raspberry leaf, nettles, alfalfa, and oat straw, then took a few supplements like Vit E, B-12, omega 3, L-arginine, new chapter prenatals, and ate a ton of pineapple 🍍  and avocado.    🥑

Here we are again… I have been checking for ovulation with charting my cycle and body rhythm. Seems I am ovulating early. I let Natlie, Dr. Slater’s nurse know what was going on. She agreed that we needed to move up this months US. I had to miss my second day of clinical with my new apprenticeship. My preceptor was great and totally understanding. July 30th, 2019, road trip to Roswell, NM as the hospital in Carlsbad was already booked. As I sit there early that morning waiting to be called back… all the normal thoughts rushed through my mind… what if it didn’t work out… what if it’s still thin… Well, then it hit me.. no it’s going to all work out just how it’s suppose to. No need to worry because I know this is my path and a way will be made somehow…

Well the tech would not give me a number so I had to wait for the radiologist to read it and make out the report. Roswell is about an hour and a half from my house so I decided to wait for Natlie’s call. Around 1:30 pm the call did come… it was amazing… it was not only the number we needed but it went from 5.4 to 16mm in that time. It was beyond the magic number… we had medical clearance to proceed… That’s right, on the very last day of July, July 30th… we are officially medically cleared.. 🍍🥑  🎉 On to contracts, then start meds, then the big special day…. The journey continues on…


Officially Medically Cleared!!!🎉🎉🎉

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